2017-2018 Objectives


This year corresponds the B phase of the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) of the ECE3SAT. Our work will be centralized on 4 fields.

First of all, we want our satellite to be as open source as possible, that’s why we are going to develop our visibility and to document all our work through the year. That means we are going to be much more present on social media, post videos, communicate…

Secondly, we need to electronically simulate our environment. To do so we will implement our model of the ECE3SAT in a physical engine made on the computer.

Thirdly, we need a reliable control algorithm which will take the decisions based on the data filtered from sensors. It means we are going to design and implement our ADCS algorithms so that it is reusable both for the simulation and physical experiments (and hopefully usable on the final ECE3SAT with the least effort possible).

Finally, we will build an experimental setup to emulate our own test environment with a controllable magnetic field (via Helmholtz coils).


During this year, we will first start by ending phase A. Then, we will handle phase B. You will find below this year’s main objectives.

  • Ending phase A :
    • Test the battery charging time with solar panels using a battery loaded at 20% which is the minimum value required.
    • Change/add components :
      • Add switches to the model with ISIS and test it.
      • Look for an alternative to MPPT.
    • Find out how to provide energy alternatively with solar panels and battery.
      • Consider battery as primary source of energy, then check again battery charging time.
    • PV cells’ efficiency under sunlight :
      • Improve current delivered by MPPT in order to charge the battery while current is used by all components.
  • Phase B :
    • Design EPS module :
      • Choice of each component.
      • Test all components together.
    • Pooling of the entire CubeSat.
    • Platform test :
      • Rotation’s tests at different speeds
      • Analyze those tests :
        • Correlation position/variables(orientation, luminosity, temperature, magnetism)
        • Energy harvested (while position static at different angles, and rotation at different speed).


This year is OBC’s second phase out of 4. This year’s goal is to determine the global architecture of the ECE3Sat and to write the specification of the OBC.

In order to fulfill this objective, we will have several tasks.

First, we will study the already launched CubeSats and the various architectures (centralized vs distributed). This will allow us to choose the most suited for our mission.

We will write the specifications of the OBC hardware and software to allow next year’s team to implement it.

We will write the specifications of the communication protocol (which messages, which frequency, which criticality, …).

Finally, we will study the means of simulation to assess the quality of the implementation.


Throughout this year, we will have to engage with a number of challenges with various difficulties that will arouse as this project develops.

One of the first tasks we will have to accomplish, is the verification and confirmation of the experimental values recorded by our predecessors working in phase 2 of the project.

Once our knowledge and understanding of the values is up to date, we shall then proceed in identifying the problems and reflect upon these to find suitable and convincing resolutions.

Our next step will be to cover up all issues considering the Yagi antenna, this will include carrying out a series of tests to make this antenna functional using the “FunCube” satellite system available to all.

After the antenna has been tested, we will advance to the simulation and the conception of the antenna that will be placed and stored inside our CubeSat. This antenna will of course be tested. As we progress through a series of examinations we will attempt to communicate between the two antennas, Yagi and CubeSat antenna. We will emit signals between both of these. To confirm and bring conclusion to all these steps; one final test will then ensue. The use of a stratospheric balloon to test our communication system in near space likewise conditions.

The progress will be visible to all on social media through videos as we carry out our testing protocols followed by our Wiki that will also be updated. Thanks to the Space society at ECE, our project will benefit from enhanced communication capabilities